MPS_CommTester 1.0
Copyright (c) 2003-2007 By Jason Mussetter
All rights Reserved




Software Overview
Screen Shots

Frequently Asked Questions:

-  How do I change the com port settings?
-  How do I open or close a com port connection?
-  How do I send an RS-232 command string to the com port?
-  Where do I view the data received from the com port?
-  How do I view the received serial data in Hex bytes?
-  What is "Bridge Mode"?
-  How do I activate and use "Bridge Mode"?

-  Is the "Trial version" of MPS_CommTester crippled in any way or have features that do not work?
-  How do I purchase a Registration License Key after the Trial Period has expired?
-  How do I contact Customer Support or Send Feedback regarding MPS_CommTester?


Q:  How do I change the com port settings?
A:  If you need to change the port settings, the port must be closed, then click on the "Communications" menu and select 'Com Port Settings...' to open the settings window.  You can also press F9 to open the com port settings window.

Q:  How do I open or close a com port connection?
A:  Click on the "Communications" menu at the top of the main window, and select 'Open Port' to open the com port selected in the Com Port Settings window using the specified serial settings.  To close the port click on 'Close Port' also located under the "Communications" menu.  You can also use the speed keys F11 and F12 to Open and Close the com port.

Q:  How do I send an RS-232 command string to the com port?
A:  You need to build the command string using any combination of ASCII, Hex, or Decimal bytes.  To add plain ASCII printable characters, type the letters into the 'Add ASCII Values' text box, and click the add button.  The character sequence you typed into the text box will be appended to the 'Send String' and shown in the text window just below.  To add Hex byte values, click the "Add Hex bytes" button to display a byte chart for all hex values from 00h-FFh.  Clicking these values will add hex bytes to the 'Send String' being built.  For decimal bytes, enter a decimal value (0-255d) and click the "Add" button.  Once your command string is built from any mixture of byte types, click the "Send String" button to send the command to the com Port.

Q:  Where do I view the data received from the com port?
A:  The main window's "Receive Data" text window shows you the ASCII characters that are received from the com port.  This window is most useful for viewing data in the "readable" or "printable" ASCII range.

Q:  How do I view the received serial data in HEX bytes?
A:  The main Received Data window displays the bytes in printable ASCII characters.  To simultaneously view the same data in Hex, simply click the "Show Hex Values" check box next to the main receive window.  You will see a new window dock to the bottom of the main window, and will show Hex value bytes (separated by commas between values) of the received data.

Q:  What is "Bridge Mode"?
A:  Bridge Mode is when the program uses 2 com ports (set to the same serial settings with the exception of the port number) to pass data through the program to each of the ports.  This enables the user to take an existing point-to-point serial connection between 2 other devices and analyze and interject data into the connection.  Think of as an electronic wire-tap, the laptop intercepts both sides of the communication, and then passes each side to the other, so the 2 communicating devices to not know there is a 3rd device in-line "listening" to the data.

Q:  How do I activate and use "Bridge Mode"?
A:  Bridge Mode is activated under the "Com Port Settings" window.  On the right hand side, there is a section call "Replicate Port Pass thru".  By default, this setting is to "Do not Replicate", which means that Bridging is off.  To activate it, just select which com Port you want to use on your PC as the second port.  The same serial speed and settings will be used for the 2nd com port as the for the main com port.  You will see an extra window docked to the side of the Main window.  This window, shows incoming data from the 2nd com port, and the main receive text window displays the data received from the main com port, to allow to you  simultaneously view both sides of the communication data.


30-Day Free Trial

Please right click on the link below and select "Save Target As...".  Please do not open the file from Internet Explorer directly.

Download Link:
MPS_CommTester v1.0

View the latest release notes to see what's been changed in the latest version:  releasenotes.txt

This program is intended for testing purposes only.  Please report any bugs, or feature requests to



Click here to buy and unlock the trial version!

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Single License Key:
Introductory SALE:  $30.00
Normal Price:  $40.00

Single License Keys are good for 1 (one) user to use on all computers that licensee is the primary user on.  IE:  A field programmer may install a copy of the software on their primary laptop as well as their back-up/auxiliary laptop, as well as their workstation at the office.  So long as that programmer is the main user for those PC's.

Single License Keys cannot be used by a business entity to purchase and install software on all PC's enterprise wide.  Since the business entity is not a single person, it also cannot be the main user of any of the PC's it owns. A Business must purchase a Licence Key per employee/PC.



Q:  Is the "Trial version" of MPS_CommTester crippled in any way or have features that do not work?
A:  No, the Trial Version is fully functional just as the registered version.  The only difference being that a reminder window displays during program startup to remind you that you are not registered, and the number of days remaining for the Trial Period.  After 30 days, the program requires the registration "Key" before it will startup.

Q:  How do I purchase a Registration Key after the Trial Period has expired?
A:  After the Trial Period has expired, you can purchase a License Key by clicking HERE and following the directions provided.

Q:  How do I contact Customer Support or Send Feedback regarding MPS_CommTester?
A:  You can e-mail customer support by clicking HERE for Customer Support or click HERE to Send Feedback.


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